Andreas Schwarzwald Debut EP 'Liebe Ist Tot' out Now

Look Up releases ‘Libe ist Tot’ on May 24, 2024

Look Up Records presents a haunting EP by a new masked artist, Andreas Schwarzwald. His songs on 'Liebe ist Tot' are of love, death, and wounded idealism, all sung in german.

The 4 songs on ‘Liebe ist Tot’ were recorded with help from Darksoft. Liebe ist Tot and Der Sensenmann were mixed by Nailbeds (Youryoungbody). Weltschmerz was mixed and mastered by hørd. And, Zum Taufel was mixed by vhs sports.

Liebe ist Tot’ is released alongside a video for the single of the same name, filmed and edited by Brett Davis Jr. and Gerald Davis, and starring Andreas Schwarzwald, Achilles, and Morgan, with a cameo by Darksoft.